Time Planning

Time Planning

Maps as an aid to planning

I usually draw these maps in a spider’s web format. It is easier to see how the parts interact. I have redrawn them as a table for this post.

The map below will help you become more aware of what you want to do with your time and where you could get some help. The second map will help you decide how you want to manage your time in the future and give you ideas on how to progress. These maps are potent tools. You will get the best out of them if you discuss your ideas with a colleague(s) who can help you explore the implications and decide what to do.

Here is a hypothetical Time Planning map with two segments completed


(Can be person, group etc.)

Major demands on timeThings you would like to START doing and STOP doingHow would the organisation gain?

Who could help you?



CustomersStart talking about how we work together and how to make it better.

Stop pursuing unlikely leads.

There would be more effectiveness and less frustration.

I could talk these over with a colleague and make a plan.

IT DepartmentStart discussions on how I can get what I want from them and what they need from me.

Stop grumbling about IT to anyone who will listen.

We would develop a model way of working that meets both parties needs. We would stop wasting our energy.

Other IT customers, especially pleased ones, could help me.







Completing Time Planning Maps

In the left-hand column or central circle above, write your name. The next segments contain demands on your time. It is usually helpful to include things from outside work too. The next segments are what you would like to stop and start with each demand. Please write what the organisation could gain from these changes and who could help you with them in the final ring. You won’t have to do it all on your own.

If you work in a team, you will find it very helpful for everyone to make a map. If you talk to each other about your maps and listen hard, you may find you have common concerns and opportunities. Then you can cooperate as well as individually to improve things.

Start on an area (demand) that will give you a quick win. This work will give your confidence in the process and each other.

If you would like help using this idea, or have any comments or questions please contact me. Thanks, Nick